Learn more about the Your Place in Space Challenge at the May 10 virtual information session. Representatives from the U.S. Department of Education and NASA will present an in-depth overview of the challenge and answer questions. Questions can be submitted in advance through the registration form. A video recording and summary of questions and answers will be published following the session.

A U.S. Department of Education challenge to create new solutions for space

The Your Place in Space Challenge is a CTE Momentum challenge to create new solutions for space and inspire students to envision careers in the space industry. From botanists to chefs, and writers to personal trainers, almost any career can be a space career. By inviting high school CTE students to submit designs for a product or service that contributes to space missions or exploration, the challenge will help students identify pathways into space careers.

As they prepare to bring the Your Place in Space Challenge to classrooms, teachers are encouraged to read more about the challenge and explore the curated resources for inspiration. Teachers can also review the selection criteria and explore the submission form. Submissions are due by 6:00 p.m. ET on October 30, 2023.

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